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Allergy Season - Keep Track of Your City's Pollen Count

Allergy season has begun early this year with warmer temperatures and spring blossoms or trees, flowers and shrubbery. If you have allergies, you know it means sneezing, itchy eyes, a runny or stopped-up nose, headaches, fatigue and possibly more.  
What can help?  
  • First, discuss with your doctor (or pharmacist) medications (whether prescribed or over-the-counter) that can be of help.  
  • Keep windows and doors closed during the season so pollen can't get inside.
  • Use antihistamines and decongestants as necessary and as tolerated.
  • Change your home's air filters often; install an air cleaner and air purifier.
  • Wear a mask if you need to mow the lawn or work outside.
Not sure if the pollen count is high in your city?  Click here to enter your zip code and find out!
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