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From Mari DeSchryver: Wood Burning Fireplaces: Not such a hot idea

Sitting by the fireplace on a cold winter’s night can be relaxing and serene, but did you know it can also be dangerous? In an article from IQ Air, they compare the smoke from wood-burning fireplaces and stoves to tobacco smoke. According to the article, wood smoke is just as dangerous as tobacco smoke because they both contain particles like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and sulfur dioxide as well as nitrogen oxides such as benzene and dioxin that can cause scarring to lung tissue. The article states that 70% of the smoke from a fireplace chimney recirculates back into the home, as well as nearby homes. (California Health Services Department).

Exposure, even if it is brief, can cause health issues. Coughing, headaches, eye and respiratory irritations are common side effects of wood smoke exposure among healthy individuals, with younger and older people being more susceptible to serious health effects such has asthma attacks or heart attacks. The article mentions a study done by California Air Resources Board that connected wood smoke exposure to a 10% increase in respiratory-related hospital admissions.

Unfortunately, an airtight system will not get rid of the negative effects of wood-burning fireplaces. Studies have shown that even modern homes with more efficient systems are still vulnerable, with wood-heated homes have a 26% higher particle level when compared to houses without wood-burning heat, according to officials in the State of Washington. According to them, the dangerous particles are so ultrafine that they can still slip through tightly sealed windows and doors.

This is valuable information to be aware of, as 27 million homes in the U.S have fireplaces, with a lot of them burning wood. One of those homes could be you or your neighbor, so it is important to protect yourself against the dangerous, ultrafine particles from wood smoke. General Filters offers many different types of air cleaners that all keep your air safe and healthy. They are all designed to filter, clean, and remove particles from air that could harm your health. Check them out at the link below.

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Article Found On:  IQAir





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