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5 Mobil Apps for Seasonal Allergy Sufferers

This helpful article was found at www.mashable.com:  With April showers, come May flowers and for many, May flowers also come with itchy eyes, runny noses, sneezing, and general pollen-induced misery. Seasonal allergies are on the way, like it or not.
So, if you see the beautiful sights of spring through watery eyes, then these five mobile apps will help you better prepare for the upcoming season.
  1. Allergy Advisor:  Allergy sufferers can check their local weather and pollen forecast every morning with Allergy Advisor and also see which specific pollens are most predominant in the area. In addition to pollen levels, users can also keep track of their symptoms and how they progress over time. Although the app was created by a pharmaceutical company, the alerts, allergy tips, and general information make it easy to overlook the subtle branding for nasal spray.
  2. Allergy Track:  If you want a more in-depth way to track your allergies and symptoms, Allergy Track is a good choice. You may be used to operating in a stuffy haze, but this app graphs it so you can see how much allergy symptoms actually affect you. It’s also helpful for keeping daily notes and developing a long-term account that you can bring to your next doctor’s appointment.
  3. ZocDoc:  Speaking of doctors, ZocDoc is a helpful app for finding allergists (or any other type of specialist or medical professional) near you. Not only does it locate doctors in your area, it also lets you know what open appointments are available, and what kind of insurance is accepted. But the best part is that you can book your appointment directly from the app. The app only serves select cities across the U.S. Make sure to check if yours is on it before you download.
  4. RXmindMe Prescription / Medicine Reminder and Pill Tracker: Anyone who has received allergy treatment knows that consistency is key when it comes to allergy medicine. RxmindMe is that little birdie on your shoulder, providing helpful reminders of what you should be taking on a daily basis. You can even take photos of your pills to make sure you don’t get meds mixed up. There's also an option to create reminders for those pesky weekly appointments with your allergist.
  5. AroundMe:  You’re driving to an interview when you look in the rear-view mirror and realize your eyes are so bloodshot. You can use AroundMe to quickly find a pharmacy along the way and pick up some Visine. Who wants to show up to a meeting with suspiciously red eyes, right. In addition, ths app also tells you where to find the nearest restaurants, banks, gas stations, retail outlets and more!
 - written by Jeana Lee Tahnk
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