AAFA Asthma Capitals Report 2022

Asthma Capitals Report 2022

Asthma is greatly influenced by where someone lives. People who have affordable and accessible health care, clean air, and economic stability have a greater chance of managing and controlling their asthma. AAFA's Asthma Capitals™ Report ranks the largest 100 cities in the continental U.S. by how challenging they are to live in when you have asthma. AAFA publishes this report to show the nationwide burden of asthma. It is a call to action to help the 25 million people in the U.S. with asthma.

The Asthma Capitals report ranking is based on three weighted outcomes: asthma prevalence, asthma-related emergency room visits, and asthma-related deaths.

The report also analyzes factors that can influence asthma outcomes: poverty, lack of health insurance, air pollution, pollen count, medicine use, smoking, and access to asthma specialists.

This year’s report has been release during Asthma Peak Week to raise awareness of the spike in asthma-related attacks and hospitalizations that happen each September. People with asthma are exposed to several triggers at once during September, such as:

  • Higher ragweed pollen
  • Higher mold counts
  • The beginning of cold and flu season
  • Poor indoor air quality in schools
  • Wildfire-related air pollution

Click here to see the full report.

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