Changing Your Filters Is Important

Article from ACHR the NEWS

In order to keep your HVAC system working at top capacity, homeowners should be changing out their filters on a consistent basis. Your filter’s job is to catch airborne contaminants so those very same contaminants do not get in your indoor air or your HVAC system. These contaminants can be dust, dirt, hair, mold, and a multitude of other allergens.

The basic rules in regards to filters include:

  • For 1- to 2-inch filters, replace them every 1 to 3 months
  • For 3- to 4-inch filters, replace them every 6 to 9 months
  • For 5- to 6-inch filters, replace them every 9 to 12 months

If you have pets, you will want to change your filter even more frequently.

When changing the filter, make sure that the replacement filter is the correct size and compatible with your housing. Review the performance value of the filter to ensure the pressure drop across the filter will not be too great, especially as the filter loads. The greater resistance will reduce the airflow to the unit, creating a negative impact on the unit’s heating/cooling efficiency and energy efficiency.

If you wait too long to change out your furnace filter, this can lead to more than just contaminants in the home’s air. When the furnace filter is clogged with contaminants, the furnace will naturally need to work harder to pump the hot air through the system. In addition to raising your energy bills, it could also lead to a shorter lifespan for the furnace.

Of course, your local HVAC contractor can help you with this process if you are not comfortable doing it yourself. Sign up for a maintenance agreement so the HVAC contractor can monitor your system on a consistent basis to make sure problems can be fixed before they escalate.

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