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Christmas for Cheyanna

During the recent Thanksgiving Holiday, General Filters, Inc., along with the City of Novi’s Youth Services, supplied entire Thanksgiving meals for three families in need.  Youth Services again assisted the company by finding a family that was having a tough time finding the money to buy Christmas presents for their daughter, Cheyanna.  The entire General Filters team decided to help the family ensure that 13 year old Cheyanna’s gift wishes were granted at Christmas. 

Thanks to everyone at General Filters, Cheyanna received everything on her list and more:  a coat, hat, gloves, scarf, boots, jeans, leggings, socks, makeup, nail polish, tops, pajamas, hoodies, animal pillows and tennis shoes!  The family also received gift cards to help with groceries, scarves, slippers, household items, a gas card, and other items.

Pictured above:  John Redner, Owner and Vice President of Operations; Cindy; Cheyanna; Gary; and Bob Abraham, President and CEO.

Bob Abraham, President and CEO; John Redner, Owner and Vice President; and the rest of the General Filters team met with the family to present their gifts and wish them a Merry Christmas. “The entire company was enthusiastic about making this young lady’s Christmas a happy one,” said John Redner.  “I’m not sure who enjoyed this process more; the folks here at General Filters or the family that received our gifts.” 

“Giving back to the community not only helps people in need but lifts morale within the company,” said Bob Abraham.  “It’s an uplifting experience for everyone involved.”

Thank you to the City of Novi’s Youth Services and Barbara Shonibin for their assistance. 

About Youth Services

The Oakland County Youth Services is dedicated to the prevention of juvenile delinquency, child abuse and child neglect in the 26 communities within the county and is administered under the auspices of the Oakland County Circuit Court-Family Division.  Youth Assistance programs are community-based and developed by volunteers. They are an organization made up of community volunteers that are assisted by a professional staff whose purpose is to provide support and positive growth experiences for families.

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