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General Filters, Inc. Presents “Soaring Eagle” Award to Edmunds & Associates

Novi, MI February 3, 2017

General Filters, Inc. presented the “Soaring Eagle” Award to Edmunds & Associates of Lynchburg, VA; the sales representative company that best met a wide array of business objectives in 2016.  

From left to right:  Bob Abraham, Terry Chilcote, John Edmunds, Joey Neely, John Redner, and Allan Feys.

President Bob Abraham, Vice President John Redner and Director of Sales & Business Development, Allan Feys presented the “Soaring Eagle” Award to Terry Chilcote, John Edmunds and Joey Neely during an annual sales representative meeting that coincides with the HVAC Industry’s AHR Trade Show each year.  Since the crystal award rotates each year to the company that best meets company objectives, it was accompanied by a "Soaring Eagle" Award plaque that Edmunds and Associates will keep.  Congratulations to Edmunds and Associates!



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