General Filters Presents the 2014 Soaring Eagle Award to Halfpenny Sales

General Filters, Inc. presented the “Soaring Eagle” Award to Halfpenny Sales during their annual sales representative meeting. Held during the 2015 AHR Expo (this year in Chicago), the Soaring Eagle is awarded to the sales representative company that best meets a wide array of business objectives in 2014.
Tony Burks, Carl Redner, Nick Woods, Bill Halfpenny and John Redner.
President Carl Redner, Vice President John Redner and Vice President of Sales & Customer Service, Tony Burks presented the “Soaring Eagle” award to Bill Halfpenny and Nick Woods of Halfpenny Sales (photo above).
Last year's winners, A to Z Sales (photo below), were again recognized for being last year's winners before handing over the Soaring Eagle Award sculpture to its new recipients.
Karl Sisson, Mike Graham and Jim Graham of A to Z Sales.
Since the crystal award rotates each year to the company that best meets company objectives, it was accompanied by a "Soaring Eagle" plaque that Halfpenny Sales will keep.
Congratulations to Halfpenny Sales!
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