GeneralAire® Whole House Indoor Air Cleaners: Your Life May Depend On Them

We were quite touched by this woman's personal experience with her GeneralAire® Air Cleaner.  With her permission, we are sharing it with you. Can GeneralAire® whole-house indoor air quality products change your life? They did for this woman.


I was very sick at one time, and simply couldn't breathe in my own home. My husband and I gave up ever having fires in the fireplace because the smoke from the fireplace made it too difficult to breathe. And, out of love for me, my husband gave up smoking (not an easy task after 40 years).  He researched air quality products, and ultimately selected GeneralAire® to install in our HVAC system. I didn't ask any questions about what he installed at the time, but I’ve been breathing freely ever since. Since its installation, I have used your company exclusively when purchasing replacement filters.
He died a few years back, but I still maintain the GeneralAire® air cleaner he chose and am doing fine.
Please don't change a thing about your products, because what you have is working great. If you have to change things, I'm begging you, PLEASE! Do it as if your life depended on it, because some day, it may.  
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