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GeneralAire Introduces a New UV Air Purifier: the MS24ER

GeneralAire® introduces our new UV Air Purifier, the MS24ER.

Today’s construction methods make our homes even tighter and more energy efficient than ever.  The drawback is that newer homes also trap pollutants and allergens inside.  Even though one may not have noticeable irritating symptoms, this silent and invisible menace threatens the quality of indoor air in homes, and your health every day. 

EPA studies have concluded that most of our exposure to toxic chemicals, harmful biologicals and allergens occur indoors, where we spend over 90% of our time.  It is well established that indoor air pollution sources include cleaning chemicals, paint, mold in damp places, microorganism growth in carpets, poor building ventilation, and out gassing due to cleaning solvents and construction products used in new homes and renovations.  Controlling the quality of indoor air is extremely important because of the adverse effects poor-quality indoor air can have on one’s long-term health. 

Filtration is no longer the only answer to healthy indoor air quality.  The GeneralAire® MS24ER utilizes the microbe-fighting technology of ultraviolet light to control harmful airborne microorganisms circulating through a heating and air conditioning system.  With a 14” germicidal UV bulb, the MS24ER also works to keep your HVAC system running clean and efficient.

The GeneralAire® MS24ER features:

  • Easy, fast installation in your HVAC system
  • Fits in tight spaces
  • Mid-cord connector - makes installation and lamp changes in tight spaces easier!
  • Easy lamp replacement; simply unplug and replace!
  • 55 microwatts/cm² @ 1 meter germ-killing power
  • Long lamp life
  • 2-Years Warranty on original lamps
  • 3-Year Warranty on electronic components
  • Ozone Free
  • Moisture-proof lamp connector


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