Get Ready! Humidifier Season Is Here!

The fall and winter months not only kick off cooler temperatures and football season, but also drier air. The effects of dry air can be far more reaching than many people realize.
When the air in your home is too dry, your skin can feel dry, itchy and uncomfortable; even crack and bleed. Dry sinuses increase your risk of infection and discomfort. Allergy and Asthma sufferers may experience a rise in triggers due to dry air. Dry air causes annoying static shocks that can damage expensive electronics. Expensive woodwork in floors, artwork and musical instrument can crack and become damaged. And, you may pay more for your heating bills as cracks in window frames let cold air into your home. 
Fortunately you can control indoor humidity with whole house humidifiers. That means now is the time to perform maintenance on your humidifier to ensure it stays in good working order for the duration of the upcoming season.
So what does typical maintenance include?
First, replace the Vapor Pad® (also called water pad, evaporator pad, humidifier pad, water panel, etc.). We are often asked: "Can't I simply clean the pad?" The short answer is: no. A typical pad is constructed using an expanded metal base coated with a hydrophilic material that absorbs water. As warm air passes through the pad, the water within evaporates and is distributed throughout your home to provide moisture. If you clean this pad you will also remove the hydrophilic coating and your humidifier can no longer provide moisture.
While the pad is out of your humidifier, look at the frame, the drain pan, the water distribution trough and other areas for mineral buildup. This should be removed using vinegar and water, however, there are also cleaners designed to remove mineral buildup that may be used.  
Humidifier maintenance should be performed at least once per season; however there may be circumstances where you would do this more often. Are you remodeling your home? Do you use your humidifier for a humidor or wine cellar? Your humidifier may be working harder to satisfy the desired humidity.
Research shows that 40% – 60% relative humidity is ideal. Outside this range, your risk of being adversely affected increases.
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