Latest News About Indoor Air Quality

Because our #1 priority is safe, healthy and comfortable Indoor Air Quality, we at GeneralAire® strive to bring you relevant news that highlights just how important this topic is to you and your family.  The issue is on the forefront not only in residential settings, but in schools and the workplaces as well. Following are news article excerpts recently published that speak to the need for Indoor Air Quality products; products that can make a substantial difference in controlling indoor air. Read the full article by clicking on the link for each.

Ventilation & Dehumidification

By DANIEL RINGdring@wasecacountynews.comSouthernminn

Wrestling parents know the feeling.

Bluejays athletes know the feeling.

Anyone who has ventured down the south steps at Waseca High School likely knows the feeling.

Hot, humid and stale are adjectives describing the dark, dungeon-like space that are the Waseca weight and wrestling rooms. But beyond how they feel, there are aesthetic and potential safety issues: corroded support beams, exposed steel rods and stained walls which belie years of leaky pipes, possibly from bathrooms just overhead. Upstairs, it’s a space issue: locker rooms for female athletes are much smaller and feature fewer amenities than the boys’.

The problems would be fixed if voters approve two bond referenda the Waseca School Board preliminarily approved last month. Together, the construction bond referenda total $30 million. The weight room, wrestling room, as well as the girls locker room are three of the numerous upgrades the district looks to make. Other changes and repairs include additions and repairs to academic areas of the junior/senior high school and security upgrades at all district buildings.

For the district’s athletics department, the most glaring problems with the weight and wrestling rooms are with ventilation. Upgrades are necessary to control the air flow within the rooms that don’t have windows or open outlets. Activities Director Joe Hedervare said it’s still unclear how much work is needed, but said it doesn’t take long before athletes notice the heat and stagnant air when working out in the basement.

“The safety of the kids is our No. 1 concern,” Hedervare said. “So we want to make sure the air quality is good down there and allow better air flow for the athletes.”

Superintendent Tom Lee said the entire south end of the school suffers from dehumidification issues. Much of it, especially in the basement, stems from the moisture created by the school’s pool.

“The indoor air quality is pretty bad,” Lee said, “and that humidity is starting to rust out everything down there. Repairing the dehumidification on the south end is as essential as roof that needs to be replaced.”

Hedervare said because of where the high school was built, groundwater is pushing up against the basement and seeping into the infrastructure.

“They put the school basically into a swamp,” said the AD, “and after all these years it’s starting to show.”

Part of the referendum would be to reinforce the walls of the basement as well as the beams to help keep groundwater out and reinforce the structure where corrosion has occurred.

“It’s as if we’re living in a 40-year-old home that still has the green shag carpet,” Hedervare said.


From:  Equity Bulls Stock Report

After humble request from Mr Kuljeet Abrol, Mr Jagdeep Singh, Member of Legislative Assembly, Hari Nagar, Delhi has been kind enough to do the honour and help the patients of Deen Dayal hospital. Mr. Jagdeep also acknowledged and applauded this initiative and has urged NGOs and organizations to come forward and support the initiative. Mr. Jagdeep also showed keenness on understanding the efficiency of the Air Purifier in helping Asthma patients and how it can reduce the triggers in schools and homes.

Most of us feel that urban outdoor air is considerably dangerous!! City smog, automobile exhaust and even potent industrial wastes being recognized health hazards, are scientifically measured and documented. But several studies in India and abroad reveal that the Indoor air is much more dangerous than outdoor air.

"It is quite encouraging that Government and Environment Groups have started taking initiatives towards awareness of indoor air pollution and how this can impact various airborne diseases like Asthma, Tuberculosis and Airway Inflammations among children" said Kuljeet Abrol - Indoor Air Specialist & Prop. AB Traders.
Indoor air pollution is arguably one of the most overlooked threats to human health, particularly affecting young children who are building their immune system with a sensitive airway that has to fight these Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's)and micro-organisms like pollen, dust mites, fungi, virus etc, present in the atmosphere thus become more prone to allergies. Soft toys, carpets, room fresheners, perfumes produces high levels of Indoor Air Pollution with a range of health-damaging pollutants (VOC's) & PM2.5, including small soot particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. Cross ventilation also replenishes fresh air in our indoor, but in poorly ventilated home, indoor pollutants can be 10 times higher than acceptable levels.
Considering all the limitations and preventive measures, the good news, if indeed any can be found, is that indoor air pollution is infinitely more controllable than outdoor air pollution. With careful cooperation from educators and businesses, these pollutants can be reduced at school and in our homes" said Dr Anil Garg, Incharge - Chest Clinic & ICCU Head at Deen Dayal Hospital in Delhi.


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