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Meet the medical students who launched a program to offer childcare to hospital workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic

(CNN)As the war against the merciless coronavirus rages on, health care workers nationwide are on the frontline of an unpredictable battle. While working tireless hours, those in the field often forgo their own needs.

Now, one group of University of Minnesota (UMN) Medical School students has decided to lend a hand -- not at the hospitals, but in the homes of health care professionals.
They call themselves the MN CovidSitters. Their main job? To provide health care workers in the state with the some of the things they need most at the moment, ranging from child or pet care to grocery and pharmacy runs.
The initiative, which launched on Wednesday, pairs students with health care workers, including doctors, nurses, kitchen staff, janitors and hospital administrators, across the entire state.
The idea for the program, founded by UMN second year medical students Sruthi Shankar and Sara Lederman, came after their university moved its classes online and canceled clinical rotations.
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