Memorial Weekend Holiday Thoughts

Memorial Day is a public holiday in the United States of America. It is observed on last Monday of May each year.
Previously known as "Decoration Day", Memorial Day was first enacted in memory of the soldiers who fought in the American Civil War.  Later, Memorial Day was expanded to commemorate the soldiers who fought in all American wars, including the World Wars.  Proclaimed by General John Logan, it was first observed on May 30, 1868. 
On Memorial Day people visit the graves and cemeteries to honor the memory of the soldiers who laid their lives to protect their country. The U.S. flag is usually flown at half-staff from dawn to noon. Flags are also placed at the grave sites in national cemeteries. The National Memorial Day Concert is held on the lawns of the United States Capitol. Music is performed to honor the memory of the men and women who sacrificed their lives for the country.
From all of us at General Filters, Inc.:  Thank you to all who have lost their lives serving our great country; lives lost in the name of freedom. Today we remember your sacrifice and the sacrifice of your families with heartfelt gratitude.
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