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NEW Contractor Tool: 10-Question IAQ Diagnostic Survey for Home Owners

Contractors:  GeneralAire® seeks to provide you with tools and training that support the success of your business.  Go to the "Contractor Center" now (with your log in) and download our NEW tool:  the quick 10-question IAQ Diagnostic Survey for Home Owners!
These simple questions, asked of a home owner on your next annual HVAC checkup / visit, may assit you in recommending and selling IAQ products the home owner may need. Leave it behind for the home owner to study or review the form and their answers while you are there.
On the Survey:
EPA studies indicate that indoor air can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air. And, the average American spends up to 90% of their time indoors. It is vital that to analyze adverse health patterns you may be experiencing inside your home; patterns that could indicate a link between what you are experiencing and indoor air pollution. A diary or log of symptoms correlated with time and place may prove helpful. Your answers to the following questions could indicate the need for an indoor air quality product that would make a significant difference in your health.
  1. Are you feeling any new or recurring adverse health effects in your home (headaches, fatigue, coughing, sneezing, difficulties breathing, etc.)?
  2. When did the [symptom or complaint] begin?
  3. Does the [symptom or complaint] exist all the time, or does it come and go? That is, is it associated with times of day, days of the week, or seasons of the year?
More questions can be found on the Diagnostic Survey.  Log In now to download the complete form!
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