New Guide Highlights Best Practices for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Air Filtration Update: With indoor air pollution now claiming 3.5 million lives worldwide each year, the need for maintaining healthful indoor air has never been greater. To help educate architects, engineers, contractors, and property managers on the proper techniques to maintain optimal air quality, ASHRAE — the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers — is offering an important new publication free of charge.
ASHRAE’s Indoor Air Quality Guide: Best Practices for Design, Construction and Commissioning offers an array of guidance and resources for ensuring that indoor environments keep dangerous particles to a minimal and indoor air quality, or IAQ, at the highest possible level. To this end, the guide includes:
  • 40 strategies for achieving 8 critical IAQ objectives.
  • Best practices for promoting optimal IAQ through design, construction, and building operation and maintenance.
  • In-depth information, organized by topic, to assist with implementing IAQ best practices.
  • Hundreds of links to resources to assist in the design, construction, and commissioning of buildings with optimal indoor air quality.
High IAQ has become a pressing priority as the health impact of indoor air pollution has become better understood — and increasingly worrisome. Leading manufacturers in the HVAC space have focused their design and development efforts on a new generation of building products that foster better air quality — and better health.
ASHRAE’s new guide is designed to help building professionals home in on the best practices for making that a reality.
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