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The New Buzz: "Event-Based Air Cleaning"

There's a new "buzz term" in HVAC: "Event-Based Air Cleaning". What is this?
Normally air is cleaned by an HVAC-installed air cleaner while the HVAC system is on (actively heating or cooling the house) because it moves air through the air cleaner filtration system. The air is not being actively cleaned when the HVAC system is off because air is no longer being moved by the HVAC system through the air cleaner.
In "event-based" air cleaning, you can control your air cleaner to clean the air in your home even if the HVAC system is not heating or cooling. How do you do this? By simply turning the blower fan in your HVAC system on when the heating and cooling function is off. This keeps air flowing through your air cleaner at all times, whether heating, cooling or simply running the blower fan.
Why would you want to do this? Maybe the outdoor seasonal pollen has made its way inside and is causing an increase in allergy or asthma triggers. Maybe someone in your home has a chronic health concern that requires constant air cleaning. Maybe you are remodeling and demolition particles from drywall, wood, insulation and other sources are everywhere!
Companies may advertise "Event-Based" air cleaning as if it's new, special or unique technology. The fact is ALL whole house HVAC-installed air cleaners (including GeneralAire®) are capable of event-based cleaning; either manually (by simply turning your fan on at the control unit / thermostat) or automatically (with a programmable control unit / thermostat). If you wish to use a thermostat for automatic control, be sure it is one designed to program your heating, cooling and fan operations.
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