The News - Contractor Contest

Troy, MI - What makes a good boss?
is it Integrity? Honesty? Compassion? Understanding?
Combining these attributes, and more, The NEWS is hoping to locate and honor some of the finest HVAC leaders in the land through its 2013 "Best Contractor To Work For" contest.
The contest grants employees a chance to recognize the outstanding leadership paving the way for their company.  Nominate your company as The NEWS' 2013 "Best Contractor to Work For".
The contest is now open, and runs through November 15, 2013.  Winners will be announced and featured in the January, 2013 issue of The NEWS, which will be distributed on the floor of the 2014 AHR Expo in New York City.  
Four U.S. contractors, and one Canadian contractor will be chosen.  For more information go to:
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