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Why Should Indoor Air Be a Concern to You?

The Environmental Protection Agency Studies show we spend as much as 90% of our time indoors, and that indoor air quality can be much more polluted than outdoor air!
Today's home construction methods provide for more tightly-sealed, energy-efficient homes. We bring pollutants into our homes on our shoes (pesticides, animal waste, plant materials, etc.), our clothes (pollen, pesticides, post-fire ash, etc.) and on other items we bring into our homes (groceries, products we purchase, back packs, workout gear, etc.). We introduce pollutants into our lungs with the cleaning agents, paints, varnishes, paint strippers, drain unclogging agents, glues and other chemicals we use indoors. We bring home germs, viruses and bacteria through interactions with other people. Newer tightly-sealed homes now trap these pollutants indoors; in the air you breathe.
The Children’s Hospital in Boston research connects air pollution to an increase in insulin resistance; which gives rise to diabetes. Studies by various organizations have proven that poor indoor air quality is linked to many health concerns: diabetes, asthma, allergies, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, weight gain, internal organ damage and respiratory concerns. In fact, the World Health Organization states that 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution; 1.5 of these deaths attributable to indoor air pollution. Those with allergies and asthma can attest to the fact that controlling indoor air quality can bring tremendous relief.
Particularly vulnerable are children and older adults. Children breathe faster. They breathe through their mouth, bypassing the filtering effects of the nose. Their immune systems are not fully developed. Their organs are not fully mature. Irritation or inflammation is more likely to obstruct their narrow airway. It may take less of a given irritant to trigger an asthma attack. Exposure to contaminants at its worst can affect development of their nervous, immune, respiratory and endocrine systems.
It just makes sense to install a GeneralAire® Residential Whole House product in your home today! Your local contractor can help to determine which product or products would most benefit you by asking you some specific questions, like:
  • Have you been or did you recently remodel your home?
  • Do you have allergies or asthma?
  • Do you feel better when not at home?
  • Do you live along a busy road or highway?
  • Did you notice your health change shortly after moving into your home?
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