Products Residential Whole-House Indoor Air Quality Solutions and Oil Filter Products

GA10 Vapor Pad®

GFI#: 7905
Price: $22.45
Quantity :


Ref # GFI # Part Name Image Qty Req'd Price



NEW GeneralAire® Model:  3200

Aprilaire Models:  110, 220, 500A, 500M, 550, 550A, & 558

Honeywell Models:  HE100, HE150, HE220, HE225, HE240, & HE280

Common Question:  Why can't I just clean my Vapor Pad®?
Your Vapor Pad® is constructed using an expanded aluminum base, coated with a hydrophilic material that absorbs water.  As warm air from your furnace passes through the Vapor Pad®, the water contained in the coating evaporates to provide your home with humidity. Over time, water deposits build up on the Vapor Pad®, preventing warm air from passing through. If you wash the Vapor Pad® in an attempt to remove the deposits, you'll also wash off the hydrophilic coating.  Your humidifier is then unable to provide humidity to your home.
Common Question:  How often should I change my Vapor Pad®?
 You'll want to replace your Vapor Pad® 1-2 times per humidification season.

GeneralAire® offers a wide variety of residential whole-house indoor air quality solutions using the latest in indoor air technology.

Installed in your home's HVAC system by a qualified HVAC contractor, GeneralAire® IAQ products protect you and your family by ensuring clean, healthy and comfortable indoor air quality throughout your home.

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  • Professional Installation Only
  • Not Sold In Retail Outlets
  • Sold Only by Approved Wholesalers
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