Request a Product Return (RMA)

You will be asked to create a log-in to complete this form, therefore, if you have already registered with our site, please first log-in to your account.

Please call tech support for whole unit return approvals (866) 476-5101 x208, as this form will not accept whole unit returns.  List your desired outcome in the comments section (refund, credit, replacement).  Add other pertinent detail about return.

IF YOU LIVE IN CANADA, call (888) 216-9184 to arrange for your return.
* Indicates required answers
Complete all required fields (*) of the form.
Are You a Home Owner or Wholesaler? *
Do you prefer a credit or replacement? (wholesalers only).
Name *
Company Name
Address *
City *
State *
Zip/Postal Code *
Phone # *
Format: (123) 456-7890
Email *
Please enter your password for your new account:
Password *
Verify Password *

Product Return Information

4-Digit GFI# - (If unknown, you may perform a search on our website.) Only DH Model compressors and evaporator coils use 7-digit numbers. *
Invoice / Receipt / PO #: *
If replacement part has already been ordered, list new Receipt / PO #:
Unit Serial # (Required only for returns of humidifier, HEPA, UV and dehumidifier components)
Installation Date: *
Reason for Return:*
Quantity: *
Comments: *

I am returning a second product: Yes No

GFI#: *
Original Receipt / PO #: *
If replacement part has already been ordered, list new Receipt / PO #:
Unit Serial # (Required only for returns of humidifier, HEPA, UV and dehumidifier components)
Installation Date: *
Reason for Return:*
Quantity: *
Second Item: Comments: *

I am returning a third product: Yes No

GFI#: *
Original Receipt / PO #: *
If replacement part has already been ordered, list new Receipt / PO #:
Unit Serial # (Required only for returns of humidifier, HEPA, UV and dehumidifier components)
Installation Date: *
Reason for Return:*
Quantity: *
Third Item: Comments: *

I am returning a fourth product: Yes No

GFI#: *
Original Receipt / PO #: *
If replacement part has already been ordered, list new Receipt / PO #:
Unit Serial # (Required only for returns of humidifier, HEPA, UV and dehumidifier components)
Installation Date: *
Reason for Return:*
Quantity: *
Fourth Item: Comments: *

I am returning a fifth product: Yes No

GFI#: *
Original Receipt / PO #: *
If replacement part has already been ordered, list new Receipt / PO #:
Unit Serial # (Required only for returns of humidifier, HEPA, UV and dehumidifier components)
Installation Date: *
Reason for Return:*
Quantity: *
Fifth Item: Comments: *
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